Sunday, July 8, 2012


If you haven't noticed, I'm not much of a blogger. But some stuff sticks with me enough to find it worth sharing. This is a video I saw back on Easter, I just haven't gotten around to actually posting anything. Anyways... I really like this video. And I think it makes a few very powerful points. The guy is known as Odd Thomas, a rapper with Humble Beast and also recently a member of the group Beautiful Eulogy. In the end, everything becomes black and white. There is right. And there is wrong. You're either saved. Or you're not. You're either in Heaven, or you're in Hell. There's no limbo, no purgatory. And you can't argue or justify who you are or were. A quote from C.S. Lewis repeatedly came to mind while watching this. "Christianity is a statement which, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important." If sin is really sin, there couldn't be more severe consequences. But it's either ignored entirely or viewed simply as something rather inconsequential. Just a "slap on the wrist." Not to ignore God's grace in all of this, of course. But it certainly doesn't make sin any less serious.

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